Public Information Materials

There are, it seems, few human endeavors in which more of an attempt has been made, and with less effect, to inform the public than that of atomic energy. Here we have collected a variety of materials dedicated to that purpose, mostly of the character of ephemera.


The Monthly Information Bulletin of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority

This magazine was published for a number of years. From number 259 (May 1978) onward, it was printed in A4 size, with a photograph on the front cover. We have a considerable group of these, covering years from 1966 to 1984, which is gradually being scanned. We are always in search of further issues not in hand. Simply to avoid confusion, the popular–consumption editions of the Authority annual reports, also titled ATOM, will also be found here.

Power Station Booklets

Many publications, ranging from single sheets of paper describing how to find the visitor centers (alas now mostly closed) to elaborate booklets full of photographs and diagrams, were published by or for specific nuclear power stations. We have been particularly assiduous in attempting to obtain and scan these.

Audiovisual Materials

( is a Peertube instance hosted by the SDF Public Access Unix System)

From Film

From VHS

From DVD

Man and Atom atomic fist logo